The module “Site Management” is dedicated to the management of environments and locations, which means that the definition of space in three dimensions.
Environment refers to a structure consisting of a place in which the Wi-Fi study will be achieved; it can be an outdoor place. If the chosen environment is a building, a room of this building can be considered to a “place” in the tool. In any environment, the idea is the possibility to create several places in the tool. In the map below, we consider the Green Zone such as the environment of the study, and the red zone as a place for it.
The objective of this module is to manage the environments and locations independently of the “Measures”. After the declaration of the first environment, it will be possible to create places belonging to it.
This section describes the actions feasible in this module:
- Adding environments
- Modifying environments
- Deleting environments
- Adding places
- Modifying places
- Deleting places
In the “Adding an environment” part , the user has to have the characteristics of the environment to create and click “Add environment”:
- All fields (except the description) must be informed
- Accents in the description field aren’t allowed.
- Do not use apostrophe in text fields.
- Click on the “Existing environment” part to modify it. Parameters are auto-filled on the right side of the interface.
- Change the fields correct.
- Click on “Update”. If the restrictions below are met, the database is updated.
- All fields (except the description) must be completed.
- Do not use an accent in the description field.
- Supprimer un environnement
- Sélectionner par un clic l’environnement à supprimer.
- Cliquer sur le bouton « Supprimer l’environnement » puis valider par « Oui ».
Tous les éléments relatifs à l’environnement (lieux, APs, campagnes, mesures) sont à partir de ce moment supprimés de la base de données. A VERIFIER
Reminder - prerequisite:
-Having previously defined environments. -Select or create the environment in which the site is located to add. -This informative page shows the orientation of the axis (x, y, z) to be observed in the creation of environments and locations to maintain a fixed reference in the statements of space and action. -Insert the characteristics of the place to create and click “add a place”:
Constraints to be respected:
-All fields (except the description) must be completed. -Do not use accents in the description field -It is advisable to follow the dimensions of the environment and to declare correct location coordinates within the environment. A warning message will be displayed if the coordinates of the place created are out of the environment.
- Select the environment in the place to change.
- Select by clicking the place to change in the “existing places”. Its parameters are auto-filled on the right side of the interface.
- Change the fields to correct.
- Click on “Update”. If the constraints below are met, the database is updated.
Constraints to be respected:
All fields (except the description) must be completed. Do not use an accent in the description field. It is advisable to follow the dimensions of the environment and to declare the correct location coordinates within the environment. A warning message is displayed if the coordinates of the place created out of the environment.
Once created, a place cannot change of environment.
- Select the environment (to delete by clicking on the name)
- Sélectionner par un clic le lieu à supprimer.
- Cliquer sur le bouton « Supprimer » puis valider par « Oui ».
All elements relating to the location (APs, campaigns, actions) are now removed from the database.