Organization of the DB

GWA uses a PostgreSQL database. The structure is as follows: The structure is as follows:

  • Database gwa:
    • Table area for storage of environments
    • Table place for storage of places
    • Table ap for storage of access points
    • Table ap_configuration for storage of access points configurations
    • Table campaign for storage of measurement campaigns
    • Table measure for storage of measurements made during campaigns
    • Table disturbing_ap for storage of access points located in the radio environment when measured

Relations and the different fields are:


Complete structure of the DB

Table area

  • Primary Key: id_area

Structure of the table

        id_area                 SERIAL          PRIMARY KEY,            -- Primary Key that is: NOT NULL, UNIQUE, AUTO-INCREMENT
        name                    varchar(80)     UNIQUE  NOT NULL,       -- area name
        width                   int             NOT NULL,               -- area width
        length                  int             NOT NULL,               -- area length
        height                  int             NOT NULL,               -- area height
        x_coordinate_area       int             NOT NULL,               -- x coordinate in area orthonormal basis       - "0" by default
        y_coordinate_area       int             NOT NULL,               -- y coordinate in area orthonormal basis       - "0" by default
        z_coordinate_area       int             NOT NULL,               -- z coordinate in area orthonormal basist      - "0" by default
        description             text,                                   -- area description
        origin_info             text                                    -- information about the point of origine to remember which one is it into the place

Table place

  • Primary Key: id_place
  • Foreign Key: id_area
  • Unique constraint: id_area/name

Structure of the table

        id_place                SERIAL          PRIMARY KEY,            -- Primary Key that is: NOT NULL, UNIQUE, AUTO-INCREMENT
        id_area                 int             NOT NULL REFERENCES area(id_area) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,  -- Foreign Key: id of the linked area
        name                    varchar(80)     NOT NULL,               -- place name
        width                   int             NOT NULL,               -- place width
        length                  int             NOT NULL,               -- place width
        height                  int             NOT NULL,               -- place width
        x_coordinate_area       int             NOT NULL,               -- x coordinate in area orthonormal basis
        y_coordinate_area       int             NOT NULL,               -- y coordinate in area orthonormal basis
        z_coordinate_area       int             NOT NULL,               -- z coordinate in area orthonormal basis
        angle                   int             NOT NULL,               -- angle between x axis of the place and the x axis of the area
        description             text,                                   -- place description
        origin_info             text,                                   -- information about the point of origine to remember which one is it into the
        CONSTRAINT area_and_place_name_couple UNIQUE (id_area, name)

Table campaign

  • Primary Key: id_campaign
  • Foreign Key: id_place
  • Unique constraint: id_place/name

Structure of the table

CREATE TABLE campaign (
        id_campaign             SERIAL          PRIMARY KEY,            -- Primary Key that is: NOT NULL, UNIQUE, AUTO-INCREMENT
        id_place                int             NOT NULL REFERENCES place(id_place) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,        -- Foreign Key: id of the linked ap
        name                    varchar(80)     NOT NULL UNIQUE,        -- unique name of for a campaign of measures
        x_step                  int             NOT NULL,               -- x step
        y_step                  int             NOT NULL,               -- y step
        z_step                  int             NOT NULL,               -- z step
        date                    date            NOT NULL,               -- calendar date of the campaign creation (year, month, day)
        eperf_parameters        text,                                   -- parameters of the eperf probe if used for the campaign
        tx_power                int,                                    -- tx power of the wlan ward signal
        rts_cts                 varchar(10),                            -- threshold of the rts/cts ('0' if OFF)
        fragment                varchar(10),                            -- length of the fragment ('0' if is not fragmented)
        description             text,                                   -- Campaign description
        CONSTRAINT place_and_campaign_name_couple UNIQUE (id_place, name)

Table ap

  • Primary Key: id_ap
  • Foreign Key: id_place
  • Unique constraint: mac_address/essid

Structure of the table

        id_ap                   SERIAL          PRIMARY KEY,            -- Primary Key that is: NOT NULL, UNIQUE, AUTO-INCREMENT
        id_place                int             REFERENCES place(id_place) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE, -- Foreign Key: id of the linked place
        mac_address             varchar(17)     NOT NULL,               -- a MAC address linked to one or more ESSID
        essid                   varchar(32)     NOT NULL,               -- an ESSID can be linked to 1 to X MAC address
        x_coordinate_place      int             NOT NULL,               -- x coordinate in area orthonormal basis
        y_coordinate_place      int             NOT NULL,               -- y coordinate in area orthonormal basis
        z_coordinate_place      int             NOT NULL,               -- z coordinate in area orthonormal basis
        description             text,                                   -- AP description is unique to be identified as an already configured AP
        CONSTRAINT mac_essid_couple UNIQUE (mac_address, essid)

Table ap_configuration

  • Primary Key: id_campaign/id_ap
  • Foreign Key: id_campaign/id_ap

Structure of the table

CREATE TABLE ap_configuration (
        id_campaign             int             NOT NULL REFERENCES campaign(id_campaign) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,  -- Primary Key / Foreign Key
        id_ap                   int             NOT NULL REFERENCES ap(id_ap) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,              -- Primary Key / Foreign Key
        channel                 int             NOT NULL,               -- channel of the AP
        encryption              varchar(10)     NOT NULL,               -- encryption of the AP
        standard                varchar(10)     NOT NULL,               -- standard use by the access point for this campaign
        PRIMARY KEY (id_campaign, id_ap)

Table measure

  • Primary Key: id_measure
  • Foreign Key: id_ap/id_campaign
  • Unique constraint: id_campaign/x_coordinate_place/y_coordinate_place/z_coordinate_place

Structure of the table

CREATE TABLE measure (
        id_measure              SERIAL          PRIMARY KEY,            -- Primary Key that is: NOT NULL, UNIQUE, AUTO-INCREMENT
        id_ap                   int             NOT NULL REFERENCES ap(id_ap) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,      -- Foreign Key: MAC address of the connected AP
        id_campaign             int             NOT NULL REFERENCES campaign(id_campaign) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,  -- Foreign Key: id of the linked campaign
        x_coordinate_place      int             NOT NULL,               -- x coordinate in place orthonormal basis
        y_coordinate_place      int             NOT NULL,               -- y coordinate in place orthonormal basis
        z_coordinate_place      int             NOT NULL,               -- z coordinate in place orthonormal basis
        signal_level            varchar(10)     NOT NULL,               -- signal level of the AP in dBm (iwconfig): 0 to -100 dBm
        noise_level             varchar(10)     NOT NULL,               -- noise level of the AP in dBm (iwconfig): 0 to -100 dBm
        bitrate_level2          varchar(10)     NOT NULL,               -- bitrate at level 2 of the AP in Mbits/s (iwconfig)
        rate_level4             text,                                   -- rate of the AP at level 4 (X values for each measure with separation)
        timestamp               timestamp       NOT NULL UNIQUE,        -- date of the measure
        CONSTRAINT campaign_x_y_z UNIQUE (id_campaign, x_coordinate_place, y_coordinate_place, z_coordinate_place)

Table disturbing_ap

  • Primary Key: id_disturbing_ap
  • Foreign Key: id_measure

Structure of the table

CREATE TABLE disturbing_ap (
        id_disturbing_ap        SERIAL          PRIMARY KEY,            -- Primary Key that is: NOT NULL, UNIQUE, AUTO-INCREMENT
        id_measure              int             NOT NULL REFERENCES measure(id_measure) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,    -- Foreign Key: id of the linked measure
        essid                   varchar(32)     NOT NULL,               -- ESSID
        mac_address             varchar(17)     NOT NULL,               -- Mac address of the disturbing AP
        channel                 int             NOT NULL,               -- channel of the disturbing AP
        encryption              varchar(10)     NOT NULL,               -- encryption of the disturbing AP disturbing
        protocol                varchar(10),                            -- protocol of the disturbing AP (a/b/g/n)
        signal_level            varchar(10)     NOT NULL                -- signal level of the AP in dBm (iwconfig): 0 to -100 dBm

Administration of PostgreSQL

  • PostgreSQL Installation

    sudo apt-get install postgresql
  • Remove PostgreSQL

    sudo apt-get remove --purge postgresql-8.4*
  • Initializing the password of postgres user in the system (administrator)

    sudo passwd postgres
  • Database connection

    • With a user X

      sudo -u postgres psql postgres
    • With the postgres user

      psql postgres
  • Specify the password of postgres user in the database

    \password postgres
  • To exit PostgreSQL: “Control + D” or “q”

  • Create a database

    sudo -u postgres createdb mydb
  • Log into a database

    sudo -u postgres psql mydb

List specific information of databases

  • List users

  • List the databases

  • List tables (first connect to the database associated)
    • leave a base

    • select a base

      psql wifi
    • list a table

      \d campaign;