Allow the user to manage Access Points in an independent module. This file is specifically dedicated to, UI file for the module of Access Points management.
Bases: PyQt4.QtGui.QWizard
Create the wizard. Assign functions to the various buttons.
Clear the user filled fields. Called whenever the Access Points list is updated.
Create action listeners for the UI. Example: self.connect(self.ui.toolButton_mesure_campagne_ajouter, QtCore.SIGNAL(“clicked()”), self.ajouterCampagne) When the bouton “toolButton_mesure_campagne_ajouter” is clicked, function “ajouterCampagne()” is called.
Display the Access Point’s parameters when an element is selected in the list.
Activates / deactivates the button to add Access Points. The button becomes active only when the user fills the required fields (SSID, MAC address, coordinates).
Activates / deactivates the button “toolButton_ap_modifier” whenever an Access Point is selected in the list.
Activates / deactivates the button “toolButton_ap_supprimer” whenever an Access Point is selected in the list.
Initialize the variables necessary to do measures and connect to the database.
Switch to the application master menu and reinitializes the QWizard module.
Retrieve the name and database ID of the selected location. Set a global variable “self.id_place”.
Called whenever a UI page change occurs to initialize: - Lists fulfillment (pages 1 to 4) - Measurements (page 5) - Completion of the measures (page 6)
Reimplementation of the function “validateCurrentPage” which implements by default “QWizardPage::validatePage()” on “currentPage()”. @return: [ True: page validated + ID changed ==> panel switch / False: page non-compliant + same ID ==> no panel switch ]
Integrity check of the user’s input before insertion in the database. Verify the MAC address’ format, the coordinates’ consistency in a location and duplicates of an entry with the same SSID and MAC address. @param appel: by which function this function is call [ True: from addAP() / False: from editAP()]